Review: Acquainted With The Night by Tymber Dalton

Dale despised the Terran military. He was drafted, not a volunteer. He never expected to get captured by the Algonquans and sold as a breeder pet, either. He only prays his new owner is kind and doesn’t eat him. Then he meets fellow pet, Mark, who informs him getting captured was the luckiest day of their lives.

Mark also hated the military and now spends his days in a life of sexual leisure, enjoying poetry and totally at peace with his fate. Dale settles in and finds not only does he enjoy this life, he loves Mark, too. Despite tragedy striking too close to home in their protected world, they find room to love their Master’s newest pets, Cooper and Nate.

When the war ends and the Terran pets are granted their freedom, the men are faced with a choice: return, or stay with the owner they’ve grown to love?

When this book was recommended to me by a friend of mine, it was presented as a hot and sexy read. While it definitely is that, I didn’t expect the level of emotion from the book. I should have considering Tymber Dalton’s book always leave me with a sense of being changed after reading her books. In the best way possible. Acquainted With The Night is such a beautiful love story where the love continues to grow as new members are added to the family with the core couple being the Alpha men in the relationship. I loved the tie in of the title and where it comes from within the story. The book is long but I never felt like it lagged or lost its purpose. The book deals with some pretty heavy topics in a way that is respectful and doesn’t magically get batter. I was surprised it dealt with the topic of rape more than once but it was different each time where you didn’t feel like you were reading the same scene again. I want more from these characters and the world, but I know it can never be. Even if she goes back and writes about a different family, it wouldn’t have the same magic this story has. I both loved and hated the ending. It is how it should be but I cried big fat ugly tears when it was over. I won’t tell you why because I really think everyone needs to read this story. It’s absolutely beautiful.

About Tymber:
I’m a native Floridian writer (yes, I was thirty-nine before I actually saw real snow) and life-long resident of the state. I’ve been married to the World’s Greatest Husband(TM) for over sixteen years now. I live in the Tampa Bay area with Hubby, two dogs, several overbearing cats, and two birds who think they run the place. (And yes, I’m a poly BDSM lifestyle switch, and I have both a Hubby and a Sir. No, we don’t all live together. Yes, I’m very lucky. No, it’s not all about sex. Yes, it’s complicated.)

I write as Lesli Richardson, Tymber Dalton, Macy Largo, and Tessa Monroe. To date, I have over fifty releases and counting. Tymber is my most prolific pen name. I do write things besides romance and erotica, but the romance and erotica are fun to write. :)

I consider myself a Pagan in the traditional sense (not a neo-Pagan). I’m a Taurus, I’m frequently politically incorrect, and I’m a staunch supporter of GLBT rights, as well as my right to keep and bear arms and the freedom of the press. Being a liberal, Pagan, poly, BDSM-ing, skeet-shooting gun owner usually means I can manage to piss off 100% of any given room. :) So unless you’ve got an open mind and a live-and-let-live attitude, you might find I’m just not your cuppa. :)If you are against same-sex marriage, keep moving on, because we won’t get along.

And yeah, save the hate mail if it has anything to do with religion or politics, because I’ll just File-13 it. (Unless I’m in a mood, then I’m liable to embarrass you and post it to my blog! LOL No, I’m not kidding. And yes, I’m usually in a mood.)

In addition to my family, writing, reading, and BDSM play, I’m a die-hard fan of “The Big Bang Theory,” “The Walking Dead,” and “Star Trek” (TOS). I also LOVE shooting skeet (although I’m still in search of my elusive first twenty-five score) and have started hashing (the running sport, not the drug, just do a web search for “hash house harriers”) although due to injuries I haven’t been out with the local kennel in quite a few months.

On my blog I talk about everything from my writing and books, to life in general, a few assorted rants here and there, techie stuff, polyamory, BDSM, guns, and explicit sex (usually in the form of excerpts from my books). I’m snarky, sarcastic, irreverent, and sometimes don’t hesitate to climb up on my soapbox. If you think I’d be a good fit for you, please use one of the subscribe features so you don’t miss any updates. :)

Where To Buy:
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2 responses to “Review: Acquainted With The Night by Tymber Dalton

  1. Pingback: Review for Acquainted With the Night |

  2. Pingback: Review for Acquainted With the Night – Author Tymber Dalton / Lesli Richardson

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